Understanding the User’s Needs

The term “UX” often gets labeled as “the design of digital interfaces,” but the principles within are much more complex.

Your Audience, Discovered

Discovery is more than a verb. It’s a process we undertake to custom-build research projects for our clients to back our recommendations with research and data.

Today’s Modern Website

Brand ecosystems are the most effective method of gaining and retaining customers, allowing your brand to build trust with new and existing clients.

UX vs. Design

UX design is the overall product experience. Site design is how the product looks. UX and site design work together to establish how a site operates.

Project Management for Not Project Managers

Project managers oversee projects from start to finish. They collect, analyze and apply campaign data, and make sure deadlines are met on budget.

The Growing Pains of Shifting a Brand Strategy

Adapting your brand strategy to current social climates, technological advances and changing consumer needs is necessary to your business’ longevity.

Branding Isn’t Personal

Branding is not about you or what you sell. It never was. (matter) understands the importance of connecting your brand to your target audience.

Leap Group Partners with Academies of Louisville

Members of Leap Group’s development team will join Waggener’s Web Development/Administration class to teach how to develop a website for a business.

Is Your Branding Holding You Back?

Updating your branding eliminates possible roadblocks opens up new roads to growth opportunities for your company.

How Branding Can Be Inspirational to the Rest of the Business

Branding is the foundation of any business. When executed correctly, branding should effectively convey what a company is all about.